Dr. Ulrike Stedtnitz
CEO and senior consultant
Dr. Ulrike Stedtnitz
CEO & Founder Stedtnitz. design your life GmbH
For more than 30 years, I have been working with identifying and developing strengths and resources using the most up-to-date research (Sternberg, Gardner, Dweck, etc.). I constantly incorporate the latest discoveries in neuropsychology, creativity and emotional health into my work. My ongoing areas of expertise are high abilities and talent development. In my consultations I work with the most effective methods using a solution- and goal-oriented approach. Complex situations and challenges bring me joy.
Dr. Ulrike Stedtnitz, Cert. Ed. Psychologist
Founder and CEO, stedtnitz.design your life.GmbH, founded in 1986
Core competences are strength-based assessments/evaluations for adults, teens and children; Life Design Concepts, career and life coaching, international educational consultation.
Pionier Projects in Education
LISSA Competition for the leading strength-based educational projects in Switzerland, with the Foundation for Gifted Children, Zurich, www.lissa-preis.ch. Concept and kick-off, member of the jury, 2004-2023
Member of the Executive Board, Foundation for Gifted Children, Zurich, 2000-2007, www.hochbegabt.ch
Kick-off and co-organization of a leading symposium on education of the gifted and talented, 2002-2008 (www.symposium-begabung.ch)
Professional resource/consultant for undergraduate and graduate programs for strength-based pedagogy in Switzerland and Austria, 2002-2008
Kick-off of the now leading M.A. and B.A. program in GT education in Switzerland at FHNW Basel 2005, in cooperation with Dr. J. Renzulli and the NEAG Center of Gifted Education at the U. of Connecticut, www.gifted.uconn.edu
Concept and organization of the first two-year intensive program in GT education for educators in Switzerland, 1999-2001
Consultant for the founding committee of the Swiss Study Foundation, www.studienstiftung.ch, commissioned as an expert on assessment and selection, 1992
Chairwoman/Director of the first international ECHA Conference in Zurich, concept, financial responsibility, fundraising, coordination, 1986-1988
Member of the founding and Executive Committee of the European Council for High Ability ECHA, 1986-90. Coordination of European activities in GT research and education at the international and regional level, launching of a teacher training concept, planning of regional conferences, http://www.echa.info/
Director of a Kindergarten project on talent development, concept and organization. Early Childhood Learning Center, Manchester CT, USA, 1981-1985
International Seminar Women and Leadership for BPW International (Co-Presenter with Dr. Antoinette Ruegg, Past President BPW), New York, 2010
Seminars and presentations for companies, organizations and institutions, such as Bank Sarasin Basel, Credit Suisse Human Resources Zurich, Children`s Hospital Zurich, Google Zurich, Roche Corporate Human Resources Basel, Roche Diagnostics, Roche Leadership Development, Swiss Study Foundation Zurich, Swiss Life and numerous others.
Certified Supervisor for the Post-Graduate Curriculum of SKJP, 2014–2021 (Swiss Psychologists for Children and Youth, www.skjp.ch )
Graduate Level lecturer on GT education at Swiss and German colleges and universities, 1985-2008
(Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie Zürich, Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik Zürich, FHNW Liestal, FH Aarau, FH Rorschach, FHNW, U. Cologne, U. Osnabrück)
Lecturer, U. of Connecticut, Educational Psychology, Graduate Level, 1983-1985
Assistant Professor, Eastern Kentucky University, Curriculum and Instruction, 1983
Continuous education in talent development, career counseling, assessment, coaching, diagnostic work and interventions for attention and learning issues, in nutrition and integrative medicine since 1978
Metaplan Professional, 2012
Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Curriculum and Instruction, U. of Connecticut (with Prof. J.S. Renzulli, 1985)
M.A. in Education and Psychology of the Gifted and Talented, U. of Connecticut, 1982
B.A. in Behavioral Sciences, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona USA, summa cum laude, 1980
Primary Teaching Certificate Kanton ZH, Oberseminar Zürich, 1976
Further Education
Burnout (several conferences), Swiss Expert Network on Burnout
Creating and Nourishing a Culture of Leadership, Birgitt Williams, Canada
Dialectic Behavioral Therapy Basic Training, AWP Freiburg DE
Voice Work mit Noah Pikes, Zurich
Dyslexia and Dyscalculia (numerous trainings and conferences)
Introduction to PSI-Theorie of Julius Kuhl, Institute PSI Switzerland
5-Rhythms Dance Work with Gabrielle Roth, Andreas Tröndle
Professional Dialog with Dr. Fritz Jansen, Munich
Impact Self Defense, Basic Training for women, Zurich
The Intensive Journal Method, Dr. Ira Progroff, New York
Processoriented Psychology with Amy und Arnold Mindell, Zurich
Quantitative EEG, Event Related Potentials and Neurotherapy, Prof. Juri D. Kropotov, St. Petersburg
Rhetoric Training with Matthias Pöhm, Pöhm Seminarfactory Zurich
Teaching and Learning Styles, Dr. Anthony Gregorc, CT USA
Therapeutic work with Gestalt Therapy, Dr. Ruth Buzinsky, U. of Connecticut USA
Therapeutic work and supervision with Process Oriented Psychology, Dr. Julie Diamond, Zurich
Trauma and Polyvagal Theory, Prof. Dr. Stephen Porges, U. of Illinois, Chicago
Cont. training in energy work since 1986 (Feng Shui, Arcturian Healing, Pranic Healing, shamanic work, meditation)
Stedtnitz, U. Mythos Begabung. Vom Potenzial zum Erfolg. Huber, 2008
Stedtnitz, U. Sprengen Sie den Rahmen. In 9 Schritten zum persönlichen Work-Life-Konzept. Orell-Füssli, 2003
Renzulli, J.S., Reis, S.M. & Stedtnitz, Ulrike. Das schulische Enrichment Modell SEM. Begabungsförderung ohne Elitebildung. Sauerländer, 2001 (German adaptation of The Schoolwide Enrichment Model. A How-to Guide for Educational Excellence, J.S. Renzulli & S.M. Reis 2nd Ed., Creative Learning Press, 1997)
More than 50 articles in professional publications and contributions to books since 1983
Awards and Media
Mention in Who`s Who in the World, 1999 and 2000
Repeatedly covered in the Swiss media since 1985 (TV, Radio, Print)
Fellowship of the Noyes Foundation, USA
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, USA