9 RESUME ESSENTIALS FOR 2019 | stedtnitz. design your life

9 RESUME ESSENTIALS FOR 2019 | stedtnitz. design your life

By now we’re already a few months into a beautiful 2019. If you’re planning to get out there and find your way back into the job market or finally find a job that really resonates with you, here’s what you need to know:

Forget (almost) everything you know about writing a resume.

While social media plays a big role in all of our lives, its significance in the business world is even bigger. So, as the world around us is constantly changing, so are the criteria of what makes an outstanding CV.

Applying old resume writing rules is just not going to work if you want to stand out and get your foot in the door for an interview.

Here are our tips for 2019:

  • Length: We can’t emphasize this enough: when writing your CV, less really is more. Time is short, people are busy. So keep it as short as possible. Only include things that really help you stand out. Use a maximum of 2-3 sentences per experience and focus on keywords and key skills that are relevant to the company you’re applying to.
  • Structure: Use bullet points instead of long sentences and make sure to leave blank spaces after every passage.
  • Multicultural experience: If you traveled the world, put it in your resume. It shows that you know your way around different cultures.
  • References: Put your 2-3 best personal or professional contacts in your CV.
  • Influencers: If you have people following you on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter, put it on your resume, indicating how many people are following you.
  • Digital competence: Along the same lines, digital competence is really hot these days. Put down all of your social media and IT skills.
  • Presence and visibility: Make sure you’re seen and seen in a professional way! Keeping your LinkedIn account up-to-date is a must. You can include your Twitter or Instagram account, if you feel that this will help the company see that you’re someone they would love to work with.
  • Video: If you really want to stand out, include a short video (1-2 min. will do). Dress professionally, powder up and say a few words about yourself and your passions.
  • Health: Are you a marathon runner? Are you practicing yoga or meditation, interested in nutrition, or going on hikes regularly? Anything that shows that you’re engaged in staying healthy – physically and mentally – are valuable add-ons to your resume.

If you’re interested in learning more about optimizing your own CV, as well as our career and educational coaching, we look forward to sharing more during a free intro-coaching session.

Book your slot here:

We look forward to meeting you in person or via Skype!

Milena Kaufmann

Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash