GET OUT OF THE RUT | stedtnitz. design your life

GET OUT OF THE RUT | stedtnitz. design your life

Are you fed up with being stuck in your hamster wheel?
The stress, the pressure, the rush-rush-rush and the give-me-more?
The daunting feeling that you are missing out on your life, that you see it passing by as if observing it from a fast moving train?
When was the last time you took a time-out to reflect on your life’s direction? Would you like to take stock of your current situation and refocus on the essential, but you just can’t find the time to do that in the middle of your busy life?

You know that there is a lot of promise, of unrealized potential in you – your creativity, your passion, your dreams. But you are stuck in the tunnel vision of the hamster wheel – a wheel, in which you labor, rush around and burn yourself out. A wheel that is turning quicker and quicker but never reaches a destination.

The steps of the hamster wheel are manifold and individual. The common denominator is that all people who are treading on it experience

  • the perception of being controlled from the outside
  • the frustration of not being able to live up to their full potential
  • the feeling of having not enough time for what truly feels in important in life

You long for a better quality of life, more autonomy and sense of purpose in your daily routines and at work – here and now, not in some undefined future. The recognition that it is a necessity to get out of your rut is easy. But the path to do so seems obscure and the implementation feels difficult and gets hindered by insecurities, old destructive habits and a painful change process.

Nonetheless, it’s worth getting out of your hamster wheel and to begin thriving.


For a new path in life, it’s often enough to simply adjust some screws, revise your attitude or reserve more time slots for yourself. No matter which strategy you pursue – all help you to take conscious control over areas which you can influence: your health, work, finances, relationships, mindsets and your time.


To get out of your rut, start with an inventory of your life. What is important? What are you proud of? What do you want to look back at with pleasure when you’re old? Are there un-lived dreams you want to realize? Are there people with whom you want to reconcile? What stuff can you get rid of? What dead weight can you let go? Now you can assess your options and your strategy. Do you need a complete turnaround in life? A new job? A new country? A new partner?

The good news is: it is possible to initiate the exit from the hamster wheel strategically. There are many examples of people who managed to lead a life in better harmony with their values and their own rhythms. This is not a guarantee for a hassle-free or unproblematic life. But it means that you keep the steering wheel in your own hands and that you can act autonomously – which is one of the most important prerequisites for a fulfilled and thriving life. Don’t remain in a state of regret and stress, don’t resign with the feeling of having missed out on something important.


For a humorous and thought provoking presentation on the topic of procrastination, refer to the Ted-Talk of Tim Urban „Inside the mind of a master procrastinator“ on YouTube:

I’ll be sharing a seminar on March 28th on this topic. It’ll be in German, but if you speak the language, I hope you’ll join me!

Here’s the link to sign up: Raus aus dem Hamsterrad

I look forward to meeting and working with you!

Anke Berning

In my next blog entry, I’ll introduce various harmful drivers that power your stress provoking hamster wheel. What keeps you stuck in your rut?

Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash.