On October 24th, 2019


Photo Credit: Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Do any of these scenarios feel familiar?

  • The snooze button is your best ally when you crawl out of bed in the morning
  • You feel stretched, “like butter scraped over too much bread” during your working day, and you fight back this sluggishness by swinging back and forth from caffeine to sugary snacks
  • You keep asking yourself: “I’m trying to eat healthy— why on earth don’t I feel energized?” Perhaps you have that permanent murmur in your ear whispering: “Something must be wrong in my body but I have no clue what it can be”
  • The “energy-and-mood crisis” hits your body around 3-4pm, and pushes you into an inner battle against your mental fog that keeps you from focusing on your still pending tasks
  • You decide it is about time to go to sleep, but you don’t succeed, as you feel tired but wired, unable to wind down.
  • You have the feeling that you need a CHANGE, but you don’t have the time, the money, the energy, or the circumstances around you to fly away to a paradisiac island for a (long) while?

If you’re nodding your head at some of these situations, then this workshop is for you!

Most of us have been there at some point in our lives. The good news is that there is a healthy and sustainable way out. In this seminar, I’ll help you discover how to detox your body and declutter your life to (re)balance your life.

No, no, no. We are not going to talk about green juices, spas, and facial treatments with salts from the Dead Sea (as lovely as all of them can be).

In this workshop, you will learn (or remember):

  • That everything starts in your body. Coming back to the essentials, i.e., your body and its requirements, is the first and most crucial step to recover your energy, physical vitality, mental focus, and stamina.
  • Practical, daily tips to support your key master organs (i.e., liver, kidneys, adrenals, intestines, skin, etc.), in charge of detoxifying your body and supporting your energy levels throughout the day.
  • Which foods can help you support not only these biological processes, but also your mood and mental function. You will also learn which foods might backfire on you.
  • Why a restorative sleep is absolutely essential on this “back on track” journey, and practical, easy-to-implement recommendations to help you wind down your day in a healthy way
  • How stress can affect not only our mind but also our body. We will step into the connection among stress, negative emotions, and emotional eating, and their impact on our body and mood.

We will be a small group within a relaxed, “detoxified” and joyful environment. Besides soaking up these teachings, you’ll also be welcome to share your situation, roadblocks, attempts and insights with the rest of us, as well as any question or doubts you may have.

After all, we’re all just at different stages of this journey called “HOW-TO-THRIVE-IN-THIS-MORE-THAN-CRAZY-BUT-AMAZING-THING-CALLED-LIFE!



Date & Time:

October 24th, 2019



Im Wingert 9 (Garteneingang)

8049 Zurich


CHF 120.-

I so look forward to meeting you!


About Teresa Morillas

Teresa has an MSc in Agronomy and Food Engineering. After working in Spain in the food and manufacturing industry for more than 15 years she moved to Zurich, where she received an MAS in Nutrition and Health from the ETH. She also got certified as a Holistic Health Coach by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York and further specialized in Hormone Health. Currently, she continues deepening her knowledge about the mind-body connection at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, in the USA.

Teresa firmly believes that our plate reflects our complex inner world and that many of the choices we make around our food are nothing more than the automatic projection of unconscious patterns, established a long time ago. She guides and encourages her clients to uncover these connections, and supports them to find a sustainable and healthy way to recover their vitality and make peace with their plate.